SimpleFuel Completes H-Prize Testing
/The SimpleFuel team is proud to announce that we have completed all required testing for the H2 Refuel H-Prize competition! It has been a very exciting and productive three months, and we are looking forward to the final competition results.
Here are a few statistics on the test period: Over the three months of testing, the prototype SimpleFuel H2 Refueling Appliance performed over 160 fills, for a total of more than 180 kilograms of hydrogen delivered, both to test tanks and to a Hyundai Tucson fuel cell electric vehicle. Fill pressures ranged from 70 to 700 bar (>10,000 psi), with 35% of those fills at above 650 bar and 18% at 700 bar or above. Fill times were as low as 5 minutes per kg. The amount of fuel dispensed during the test period would allow a hydrogen FCEV to travel over 10,000 miles!
The SimpleFuel refueler was tested over a wide range of fill pressures. 700 bar (10,000 psi) is the full pressure for automotive hydrogen tanks, providing more than 300 miles of range on current H2 FCEVs.