First Commercial Deployment of SimpleFuel – Iwate Prefecture, Japan!
/Ivys Energy Solutions, PDC Machines, and our Japanese partner Tokyo Boeki Mechanics are proud and honored to announce the first commercial deployment of SimpleFuel® in Japan. The SimpleFuel® appliance, paired with a hydrogen-fueled fork lift truck from Toyota Industries, officially began operation today with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Kesen Precut Cooperative, a tree and timber production co-op in Iwate Prefecture, Japan.
With support from the Japanese Environmental Ministry of the Central Government, the SimpleFuel® appliance at Kesen will use solar or grid electricity to produce and deliver hydrogen for use with a Toyota Industries fuel-cell forklift truck. Kesen Precut manufactures high quality wood and wood chip products for the Japanese market with two production facilities in Sumita Town and Rikuzentakata, Japan. Kesen Precut makes electrical power for their facilities in part from solar power, valley water, lumber remnants and wood waste, and in this project are demonstrating revolutionary clean mobility of goods that will enable the Hydrogen Society of Japan and the world at large.
This project marks the beginning of commercial availability of the SimpleFuel® hydrogen refueling appliance for both industrial and automotive applications, just over a year after the SimpleFuel® team was awarded the US Department of Energy's H2 Refuel H-Prize. Additional SimpleFuel® deployments are planned for the US, Europe and Asia soon, and the team is excited for this US-developed and manufactured technology to make a difference in clean transportation globally.
Read the full press release here, and for more information on the SimpleFuel® product, visit or contact